

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Not a good IDea?

Fake IDs. Every youth's final act of rebellion before they become an adult. Or is it just for youths? Not so in the case of a 23 year old, busted by the very person whose ID she was carrying. Now us here at DirtSwimming have never had a need for using a fake ID, or someone elses ID for the benefit of drinking. We just had someone get it for us. With the exception of needing an Iowa State student ID to get in for half price against the Nebraska, Prospector has usually sat in the getaway car for his hooch. While drifting back to the days of college, one can't help but forget a more memorable story. Almost IDentical in stupidity.
An old friend’s stupid girlfriendwas driving from a west suburban small private college down to a state university in Charleston, Illinois, straight down I57 for 2.5 – 3 hours. She got pulled over for speeding three times (3 times!). The first time she got pulled over, she gave her license, which they confiscated and gave the ticket paperwork, a routine procedure back in the day. Second time she got pulled over, she showed the paperwork from the first ticket, received a second citation, a scolding from a Tuscola County Sheriff, and sent off with even more eye makeup running. 3rd time, she showed the fake ID she was going to use at the bars at [Blank]IU. A $10,000 fine was the least of her problems. Aside from not getting in the bars that night. The price people will pay for a good time. So remember kids, when you get to college, the two best friends you'll ever make will have a car and an age of 21. If you are 23 and running around with a fake ID, you should consider not reproducing.