

Friday, August 25, 2006

The Art of Cooking

Square-table discussion on the art of cooking from people who have not a drop of professional guidance.

D: One of the 2 "date cook books" I have, either Win Her With Dinner or Will Cook For Sex has the real description of what the food is, and then after that what you should call it when you're serving it. Some of them are pretty funny, but I know none of them off the top of my head.

P: I have close to 50 cook books. 48 of which are pieces of crap. I feel a good cook book should have pictures not just of the final product, but maybe a “at this point it should look like this” bit. A few of the books are foreign and go by the metric system and that is horrible on the mind in a hurry. The best books I have are actually the ones older than me. The Dave from top chef, you are the man. Knife skills, stirring skills, and adding skills are the confidence boosters. Fumbling any of these, you might as well tell her its not going to work out. I feel much more confident off of wine than beer when cooking also. Some people prefer --- on the rocks or martinis, but I am not that good yet.

D: Control in the kitchen is key. People always ask me how I know how to cook. I tell them I don't, I'm just pretending to know what i'm doing, which is pretty much the truth.

P: Sometimes your mind just uses a common sense factor, and you pick up a lot over the years. They say that every cook book is good for two recipes. People don’t realize that whatever they cook with fish, ends up smelling like fish. Everything is cooked separate and then added at the end. Same goes for bbq sauce. Why do you want to cook the sauce? Cook the meat, then add the sauce. Pouring beer on a burger on the grill is about as useless as watering a parking lot. If you don’t poke holes in a brat before you soak it, you are just wasting beer/water. Water does not substitute milk. Ever.


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