

Thursday, August 24, 2006

New Season of Survivor: Best Idea Ever?

As a wise man once said: They aren't reality shows, they are just long running game shows.
Very, very true. There are always prizes at the end. There are consolation and bonus prizes throughout. And the winner always returns for the next show.
While we are not fans of reality shows, we dabble in the Top Chef and Hell's Kitchen programs only for the fact that we can walk away from each show learning a new technique or recipe aside from giving a cab driver directions in Turkish, or knowing how to climb a rope slathered in baby oil over a polluted harbor. MTV is disgusting. Meshing unstable losers with alcohol and sitting them in a house for 4 months and expecting them to get along wore out 12 years ago. Congrats Real World San Francisco, you were the last good one. And that is just one of their reality shows.
Now there are such shows as The Amazing Race, which brings families and marriages and relationships to the brink of destruction, whizzing them through the most beautiful spots in the world without so much as a hint of appreciation. It's hard to say you've seen Paris, when you have an hour to conquer it. There is also Project Runway, an okay show if you are into fashion. There are countless others, and then the ones with no prizes. But no show has captured the attention of views quite like Survivor. A true feat of ordinary people left to their wits to throw each other to the lions for $666,667 after taxes. Anyone who has watched all of the season (no me) knows that there are several factors involved in survival. There is sharing, connecting, comprimising, teamwork, and of course, backstabbing. But other issues get involved that don't necessarily have to, much like in everyday life. Race. Well, before local police will have to be called to the scene, the producers have decided to stick everyone with their own kind, to be blunt. They may say the show isn't diverse enough. It can't be. If there are "too much" of one race, people will argue it only caters to that group. Not diverse enough is why we have Telemundo, BET, and CNN.
This time, Blacks (African Americans), Whites (Whites), Asians (Orientals to some), and Latinos (Hispanics to others) will be separated. That's right. In order to work together, you have to be together. No cries of racism, prejudice, stereotyping, or work preference. Well done.


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